This is the story of Diogo Alves, a Portuguese first serial killer who killed 70 people. Since most of his crimes were committed in the Aguas Livres Aquaduct area therefore he was also known as "Aqueduct Murderer". His target was poor peasants who come back after selling their produce in the city by pushing them to death and make it look like suicide. After being caught the jury sentenced him to be hanged till death.
During those times the heads of famous people were mysteriously getting stolen from the graves and sold in the hidden market for high prices therefore it was decided that his head will be given to the "phrenologists" to be preserved in a jar for scientific experiments.
Although, Diogo Alves scull was not proven of much help so now it's preserved in a museum however we still have an organization known as Alcor Life Extension Foundation that has been preserving the heads of people in today's world in the hope of resurrecting them in the future.
In this process, they cryopreserve the brain and head of the people using nitrogen. The scientists believe that in the coming future we may benefit from nanotechnology to resurrect a dead person. Apart from humans, the company has also preserved animals. They believe that the cryopreserve does not let the people die. It keeps them in a state of limbo. They call these frozen containers "patients".
There was a 14-year-old girl who died due to cancer and wished for her body to get preserved via cryonics. The cost of this was £37,000 which was raised by a funding organization. Similarly, a 2-year-old child has become the youngest to be cryogenically preserved.
If you are intrigued by the idea do watch this video given below from VICE Asia. This video will give you a close view of the whole cryonics process and information about the company Alcor.
Although the idea of resurrecting the people is good but still unpredictable. Please share your thought on this?
Informative but little scary ...😆😅👏👏👏👏👏